Platanus orientalis, is oldest tree of Turkey. Its age is 595 year. It is in Inkaya village of Bursa/ Turkey. The Platanus have lots of visitor every time. Its height is 35 meter, diameter is 3 meter. Each one bough of tree’s width is 3-4 meter. Inkaya villagers opened restaurant, teagarden , market under the tree. When eating brunch in teagarden, you can see Bursa view under Platanus Orientalis. The villagers sell vegetables, fruits which are produced by them. The villagers make wrap, they are very delicious, I suggest to eating wraps. Also, you can find gift shop there. I suggest you to go there and eat brunch...
2 Kasım 2008 Pazar
19 Ekim 2008 Pazar
II.Bursa Blog Authors Meeting...
The Second Blog Authors Meeting had been organized by Okan yüksel and Levent Özen yesterday in KültürPark/Bursa. The meeting had been few different than the first meeting. Bursa Uludag University of Assis. Prof. Dr. Kamuran Reçber gave conference, is about "Law Of Internet", Levent Özen gave conference, is about "Social Network", Burak Tolga Özden gave conference, is about "Education Blog". Chat athmosphere with participants was very good. Everybody pleased the meeting. We talked about internet's future, our plans, ext... We want to be going on the meeting other days. I say thanks to Okan Yüksel and Levent Özen...
blog authors,
elif akin,
The meeting
25 Eylül 2008 Perşembe
Guest of Honour Turkey...

My school has started. Anyway, I realy busy nowadys. After long break, I am with you again by my articles. Today, I want to give information about 2008 Frankfurt Book Fair. "The Frankfurt Book Fair is the world's largest trade fair for books, based on the number of publishing companies represented. It is held annually in mid-October in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Representatives from book publishing and multimedia companies from all over the world come to the Frankfurt Book Fair in order to negotiate international publishing rights and licensing fees." Turkey will join be honour of guest to 15-19 October, 2008 Frankfurt Book Fair. Turkey will join with "Turkey in all its colours" slogan and 250 activities. Turkish organisation committee has already begun with preparations for a programme that will include a varied range of exhibitions and cultural events alongside the presentation at the Book Fair. The book fair is important for Turkey, I think. In activities; stories, which are Modern Turk the art of story telling, legends, poems, etc. will be mentioned. In a phrase; our valuable authors will introduce Turk literature. If you want to get some information about the Book Fair, you can visit the address:
Frankfurt Book fair,
turk literature,
turkish organization committe
15 Eylül 2008 Pazartesi
Deniz Feneri Association Sue

Deniz Feneri Association sue has started in Germany. Deniz Feneri Association picked up 40 million Euro from Turkish people, live in Germany, by promise of help. The help was not used for poor people. The help money was transfered to Turkey. The money was used for different aims and self-interests. The sue, is continuing in Germany, is bringing about chaos in Turkey. I couldn't stand about chaos I decided to write to my blog today. The sue causes battle of words between Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is president of Turkey, and Dogan Media Group. The help money's giving to Recep Tayyip Erdogan is contended that. Erdogan said that Dogan Media Group's calumnying to him and his party. Every day, we come across Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ugly indignities. Unfortunately, our president isn't open to criticism. whereby him, nobody can make a criticism. Turkey's president must not be such as this. In this way, we see the president's aims, evil minded. Instead of the president be interested of Turkey's issues, he only interest needless jobs... Now, I am speaking to Turkish people, wake up and notice who is administrating to Turkey...!
deniz feneri association,
dogan media group,
poor people,
7 Eylül 2008 Pazar
And Human...

Today, I want to my blog's being different. Far far away from Turkey's issues... I talk about human, human's power, capacity, how people's using their time in short life... If human is person or thing being talked, lots of things are written. First of all, human must be recognize by oneself. All the time people must be refresh by oneself. Every day, we learn everything from people, children, old people, in brief; from life! Sometimes, we keep sb bother or we are kept bother from other people but life is continue... Time is going. You are live now maybe tomorrow you will not alive. I read this subject from where. "Only intelligent people able to catch on be happy!" Human's the biggest powers are; "able to hear, tasting, feeling, walking, talking, thinking, writing, seeing." We don't know our values, we choose difficulties in our life. Don't "carry over, abdicate and dilatoriness". These are secret of life. People can be successful their job and their life by applying these. Time is short for us. If ever people really want, opposite issues, they able to regenerate from their ash. Sometimes humans like suffer... I don't understand people's feeling they are complex. I think right way; not understanding their feelings. Don't run after time. Catch it, everything is gonna be all right, just so want from life...!
5 Eylül 2008 Cuma
Tv Serials...

We are in September mounth. Summer finished, I didn't understand how time finished quickly. Schools open, everybody come back their holiday. New plans, new working term... Last night I was watching tv, I make point of tv serial in Turkish channel. Every channel started new tv serials. I couldn't reckon how many are tv serials? Tv producers overstate I think. Audiences want and watch. But I don't understand audiences'choices... Actually, we mustn't accuse audiences. If ever tv producers don't create lots of tv serials, audiences won't watch. Many tv serials' being cause lowing quality.I think, it is not necessary their being. Anyway, it is sickly! Documentary films, policy lines, educational programs are less in Turkish channel. So this if I want to watch tv, expressly I choose. People must be selective. Through tv serial, many actor, actress able to coin money it is good. But it must not be too. When something is done, first of all money must not be thougt. Pollution is created on tvs. Wheras tv producer make this and only think rating, audience must do protest and not watch. Anyway, tv serials give "squash taste"...
documentary film,
policy lines,
turkish channel
4 Eylül 2008 Perşembe
Turkey's Hospitals' Issues...

People must have body and mental health to continue their life. I understood body and mental health 's important and value nowadays. when people are not sound in body and mind, they don't do anything and the ill people need other people's helping. it became difficult for people who make help. I have gone frequently to hospital because of my illnes. I saw public hospital/ Turkey's situation. If you go to for examination, first of all you must do record for this lots of procedure happened. Hospitals have few computer, but lots of people come hospital, long queuing line come into being. You have to wait so many times. If ever, you are old or so ill and you have not helpmate with you, it will be strong for you!! People don't behave respactfuly each other, they grow impatient. The other problem is lived while waiting queuing line to doctor examination.People transgressed hospital rules. If you have acquaintance in hospital, everything becomes easy, you don't need to wait in queuing. But this situation is bad for mankind. It is irregular way. In Turkey If ever you rich, all of doors will be opened for you easily... If you have less money, you will see bad treatments. What's shame for mankind.In hospital I was not in difficulty because I have enough money,conscious I was luckly but unfortunately lots of people are not lucky. Now I am asking? People who have not enough money, are not people?? We see Turkey's giving "sorry" not giving value to people? I don't want to talk about Turkey's issues so ever but what can I do? Critism is important and must be. I hope, somebody give thought this. Who are heard our voice???
body health,
mental health,
2 Eylül 2008 Salı
Books Are Our Best Friends...

After long break, again I am together with my writing. When my summer school finished, I went to holiday. In that term, I apologize you because of not able to write in my blog. Today I want to give information about book reading rate of Turkey. This is important I thing. One country's book reading rate shows us degree of development of the country. In my holiday I have not only see, sun, sand but also I have got my books. Every time, on the way, when sunbathing, every night I read book. It must be. Especially, when my traveling, I like reading book. Books are our friends.Their duty is giving information us.I ever so often travel, my observation is in Turkey, lots of people, dispensation outside, don't read book, only watching everwhere, people. Not reading, not searching don't us develope. We have lots of good writer in Turkey. We don't know their value. How many people go to booksellers? How many people member of national library? Lots of people's excuse is book's being expensive... It must not be reason. If you have not enough money, you can be member of national library without money. Tukey has lots of people who don't know writng, reading. This situation is shame for Turkey. In Turkey book reading rate is 4,5 % in a year. Turkish people like watching tv but don't like reading book. Lots of tourist come to Turkey every year. My observation is Tourists read book, every where and every time... It became habituation for them. So they bring up scientist easily, and make up technology. So this they hold sway over the world! My advice to you "Read Book" please, books are our the best and "really" friends...
19 Ağustos 2008 Salı
Shame For Mankind..."War"

Human has fighted with nature and people from when human was born... Human's effort govern to nature causes wars, dead people, nature destroys. At the present time, war is not stopped, when people wait to finish war and want to come "world peace" instead of war, human,who is responsible everything and the main actor, continue to fight nature and people... In Georgia,is neighbour frontier to Turkey, has started war,lots of people died in war. The situation is shame for mankind. Big countries' long period plans, effort govern, isn't seem as absent, behind the mirror, everything is seem. the war's impression in our neighbour frontier Georgia, not only effect the country. Turkey is effecting and will be contuniue effect the following days. Turkey must be thinking own strategical location, and economic and must do long plans and apply politic. Between Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan, Baku-Tiflis-Kars line, Batum-Sarp-Hopa line and between Poti- Samsun ship and railway project can be damage because of war. This is emergancy for Turkey. We must do something for our future...
15 Ağustos 2008 Cuma
Universities of Turkey's Issues...

2008 University entering results were explained today. Lots of students took their dreams' career. All right, we know Turkey's lots of universities have issues. Training materials, education quality, academic personnels, conference rooms, library and else, lots of things are important for university education. Some of universities/Turkey have all of them. They are limited. The universities compete with some of universal universites. New universities are opened every province, borough. This is not solve for university education. In this way, lots of university graduate don't find job because of incompetent education. So intermediate element gap is borning. I want to criticise Universities' academic personnel. I am university student. I am witness of academic person's behaviour. Academic personnel's duty is not only write article, book. Their main duty is able to communicate lesson to students. Also giving conference frequently... Social facilities also are important, for example; olympic swimming pool, stadium, cinema, tennis courts, shopping center, cafes... In my university, lots of unfinished building is existent; olympic swimming pool, big conference saloon has not finished yet!! The money, which is come to university, where is going? School building construction discontinued. University festival's meaning not only amusement. Universal art galleries, conferences, big universal singers must be organized in university festivals... I hope, I could be able to articulate university students/Turkey's thinking...
university festival
10 Ağustos 2008 Pazar
In Beijing, First Medal From Sibel Özkan...

2008 Beijing olympic games has started. The opening ceremony was magnificent and fascinating. After these, we heard joyful new. Turkey won the first medal woman barbell in Beijing olympic games. Sibel Özkan, is weight lifter from Turkey, went out podium with 48 weight and she lifted 199 kilo, she became second. She won silver medal. Talat Ünlü, is Sibel Özkan's coach, said "Sibel's being worthy of gold medal." Turkey feels proud of Sibel Özkan.Nurcan Taylan, raced the same weight,couldn't take degree in Beijing Olympic games. But she won gold medal in 2004 Atina olympic games. Nurcan Taylan is Turkey's one women olympic champion. We trust the other Turkey's sportmans in 2008 Beijing Olympic games...
2008 beijing olympic games,
gold medal,
nurcan taylan,
Sibel Özkan,
silver medal,
6 Ağustos 2008 Çarşamba
"Raiffeisen Bank and Schulze-Delitzsch Bank"

I was economic lesson two days ago. In the lesson, our economic teacher talked about "Raiffeisen bank and Schulze-Delitzsch bank which are Germany. "He talked about the bank's making, giving credit their villager and Germany's villages' having everything and being luxury, people's not needing to movie cities. So I wonder and I decided to investigate them. I found interesting information. German credit unions were organized by Herman Schulze-Delitzsch and Friedrich Raiffeisen. The crop failure and famine of 1846 caused Schulze-Delitzsch to organize a cooperatively-owned mill and bakery which sold bread to its members at substantial savings. Schulze-Delitzsch took this cooperative notion to address the needs of credit. In 1850, he organized the first cooperative credit society, known as the “people’s bank.” Raiffeisen goal was to provide credit to farmers. In 1864, he formed the Heddesorf Credit Union to help German farmers purchase livestock, equipment, seeds, and other farming needs. As you see, they know how to behave their people and they value their villager, overrate product growth, but now Turkey? In the past Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, is the leader of Turkey republic, overrated villager, he provided to help the villager. But nowadys, you know turkey's villagers' situation. Products were stopped, schools are not opened, underwork, water issues, village is emptied, lots of villager move cities. In village, there is not development so in cities, awry urbanization comes into being. Because of villagers'not producing product, we have to import vegetables, fruit. Turkey's lands are productive, we don't know our lands's and villagers' value...
economic lesson,
Mustafa kemal atatürk,
4 Ağustos 2008 Pazartesi
Beijing 2008 Olympic Games...

2008 olympic games are going to become between 8-24 August in Beijing/China. The olympic games are kind of sport organization which is made quadrennial. In 2004, olympic games were made in Greece. 302 contest being organized and total on duties and sport number is 16 thousand in 2008 Beijing olympic games. Turkey's sportmans are going to join the olympic games. Murat Başeskioglu, is sport minister of state/Turkey, said "our sportmans had prepared better. In 2004 Turkey had won 10 medal. Our aim was to grow this number in 2008 Beijing olympic games." Turkey is going to join in 12 branch. Turkey is going to join first time in ping pong and bicycle branch. Lots of people, all over the world watch and join the olympic games. So it is big organization. The country, is being made olympic games, prepare years ago for olympic games. So this lots of money are spent. The olympic games make a contribution to the country economic, social aspect. We trust Turkey's sportmans. We wish success to our sportmans in 2008 Beijing olympic games...
31 Temmuz 2008 Perşembe
Turkey's Governing Party Avoids Ban...

I talked about Akp(party in power/Turkey)'s ban case. The case was finished. The decision is not to ban. 6 person of member of Constitutional Court voted against Akp, 4 person wanted to Akp's not taking to treasury help.1 person wanted to refuse the case. So Akp will not take 1/2 rate tresury help.The party closure requires at least seven votes in favor. After the case, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is president of Turkey, spoke. He gave 3 important message; 1-)"Akp did not against secularism, and after that we continue to protect basic republic of Turkey. 2-) "When Constitutional Court's well-reasoned decision come, our association will assess." 3-)"Turkey's way is appear. The way is contemporaneous civilization. Nobody veer from European Union." He said these. But, his speaking and his making does not hang together ı think. I wanted to Akp's ban but it didn't. I wonder after this what will happen??
constitutional court of turkey,
European Union,
24 Temmuz 2008 Perşembe
The Big Firms' Advertisements...

I make a point of big firm's advertisements on tv.The best famuous showmans, singers are used for the advertisement. When you switch on television, you can see easily their advertisement in every chanell. The big firms started to organize festivals, concers with famuos singers and showmans. Exemplary; Fanta, is one of big drink firm, used Beyazıt Öztürk, is famous showman, Sertab Erener, is famous singer... These festival organizes in almost every city of Turkey. Also, spot films are shooted on tv. Turkcell, is as you know one of big GSM firm/Turkey, shooted spot film, is name "Recep's Chicken" with Şahan Gökbakar, is one of famous showman. Also Turk Telekom, shooted spot film form of caricature with Cem Yılmaz, is one of famous showman... Thereby, audience become merry when they watch. Firms can be earn lots of money from these advertisement. Singers, famous person were used before, In recent years, these advertisement grew day by day. We pleased of these advertisement, we don't get bored when watching advertisements. So, we want to be continue these advirtesements...
beyazıt öztürk,
cem yılmaz,
sertab erener,
spot film,
şahan gökbakar,
turk telekom,
23 Temmuz 2008 Çarşamba
Sericulture In Turkey...

I watched documentary about sericulture days ago. I interested about it. How silkworm is made, when... All of them were showed in tv and I decided to write sericulture of Turkey to my blog. Sericulture is made in Marmara region, especially in Bursa/Turkey. Bursa city is known with sericulture centuries. Bursa has lots of mulberry trees so, sericulture is made in this area. Sericulture was the most important means of livelihood of Bursa in the old days. Sericulture is important for textile industry. As far as I know, only Koza iplik Textile buys and gives support to grow sericulture in Turkey. All right, how sericulture is made? I want to give short information about this. Butterfly gives up its eggs on mulberry trees, after this, it dies in 3-4 day.In spring, caterpillar goes out from larvas on mulberry trees. They eat continuous mulberry leaf. Their length became 7-8 centimeter in 1.5 month. When they grow and seat their cell, they star to make cocoon. Caterpillar make firstly cocoon's outward, after they close in on its around. After, cocoons are collected and gived up in hot water; so this, caterpillars die. Consequently silk cocoon is got out of. Raw silk is produced. Turkey has potential of growing sericulture in world market with their climate, manpower and land. But, how many people know its important and claim to be the owner of sericulture??
koza iplik,
raw silk,
20 Temmuz 2008 Pazar
"Heart Bridge Project/Turkey"

I was late to write the project. But, it is not problem I think. The project's name is "heart bridge project." The project about; primary school and high school students are being gone to meet other cities's students and places. Students of west are going to east and students of east are going to west in Turkey. So this, lots of students can be find chance to see their not seeing the places before up until now. Turkey has lots of students who have not seen field, sea, big citiy or village up until now. The project has started by ministry of education/Turkey. The project's sponsor is Turkcell. The students of east doesn't find to chance to see or travel another places because of poverty and the lots of rich people's children are not seen village, field by their families. By the agency of project 100.000 student finds chance to see the places. We give support the project and We say thanks people who work with the project...
17 Temmuz 2008 Perşembe
"They aren't pretty as they outlook...!"

Body health is important for us. How many people take care about their body health? The rate is rather less in Turkey. I started to make sport nowadays to be fit so I started to be intereset of body health... Plant teas, vegetables, fruit, yoghurt and exercise, walking are eaten and made by me. When you do exercise, you feel energetic, alert and happy... I think, you shouldn't believe people's who not doing exercise, excuse; they say not finding time do the exercise. If people want to do, they can create time to do exercise. Am I wrong? We love tasteful eating but we must be control ours. Teenages in Turkey, go to fast food places especially in shopping center, at weekends. The places make chance to meeting for teenages so, the places are prefered by teenages. Obezity children rate of Turkey is 15% in last 20 year. In international magazine rate show us fast food places's number was 7500 in 1972; but after 1997, the number is over 200.000. Fast food's adverts, toys,being tasteful, easy accessibility make interest people. I had written about the subject before,I realize that people don't be careful and so I will be continue to write without fed up...
16 Temmuz 2008 Çarşamba
"Life and Human..."

"Life"is long process or short process for human. Life is four letter of the alphabet and in this letter has lots of humans' live stories... I want today's my writing's being different and I want talk about all of event's actor; "Human"... Human, as you know, can be download meaning everthing, cognizant, speaking, thinking or can't be thinking!! Sometimes, human is actor of war, inventor, probably, sometimes, only eating for live and die! There and here, everywhere... In a phrase; human is inside of life... Have you ever abstracted you from life? Or Could you see yourself from outside such as watching television...? You wanted, but you couldn't see anything because, you are bit of life, what your brain see or think, it is you... Sometimes, you are your want see or not want see... War news on tv, teenagers who killing each other, people who can't find food for eating, again martyr news and you are witness what happens your environment. And you know all of event's actor. Because you know "Human". When people grew, the world happened dirty!! The world didn't want to see its organ's being disappear by human... In the end, the world huffed to human. Trees didn't come into blossom in release a bomb place, rivers didn't run water in people's place... Humankind happened just an onlooker to... In a phrase,human disappeared people and the world. People started not to see, hear what happens your environment. And human wanted to take by selfish from who has... Is it human as I know?It mustn't be... Now, If you can do, you bring your loss thing, and time!! I lay hand on mirror to you, could you recognize yourself "Human"??
15 Temmuz 2008 Salı
"Jungles Are Oxygen Resource For Lives"

Our jungles are oxygen resource for lives. By the agency of jungle we have furniture, paper, pencil, fuel for heating... But people don't know jungles's important for our life. So people expend natural resources by unconsciously. Trees were cut and instead of, concrete construction are made... Lots of trees and animals disappear. Also, ugly image happens environment. Almost everday we hear forest fire in Turkey. Why we don't know how we stop the forest fire? Our wonderful and valuable forests one by one disappear by people who live only for money!!! people, cut trees, commit a crime. The people don't behave recpectfuly their lifes and coming generation... Unfortunately, in forest fire places, we can't put up trees... Dead animals'life is die out... We must protect animals'and trees' natural living quarters. I think, make a building is dead investment. The best investment for nature and mankind is put up lots of trees everywhere...!
14 Temmuz 2008 Pazartesi
Onur Öğmen "Turkish Armed Forces's protect is everybody's duty"

Onur Öğmen, general vice president of People's Republican Party, organized press conference in Bursa/Turkey. In meeting he said that Turkey had lived crucial period nowadays, because of Ergenekon ascertainment and sue about Akp's ban... He talked something about akp's ban sue. He said "in parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europoe;If the court deision akp's ban, Turkey observed again by European Council. Onur Öğmen said the other important point in akp's defending about ban decision they said "Parties aren't secular" But Onur Öğmen says secular enclose all over parties in Turkey.They want bring pressure to bear on Constitutional Court in akp's defending about ban. Onur Öğmen lays emphasis on in Ergenekon sue are wanted put pressure by inside and outside Turkey. Onur Öğmen said "Somedy says there are some problems with commandants in Turkish Armed Forces, but it is integrity's protect not only soldier's duty also everybody's duty. Somedy's false comment about Turkish Armed Forces can be damage Turkey government we think. If it was commited an offence in Turkish Armed Forces,The guilt must be attested by courts..."
onur öğmen,
republican people's party,
turkish armed forces
11 Temmuz 2008 Cuma
Association Culmination For Mediterranean...

Association culmination for Mediterranean is going to meet on Sunday in Paris/France. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, foreign minister Ali Babacan represent Turkey. 40 country, near the mediterranean, are going to join the meeting after that comman communique will be published. Also lider of Syria, Israel, Palestine are going to join the meeting so that Middle East peace process will be talked people said... The Association Culmination's aim and Barcelona's aim are same so lots of European Union countries and European Union commission reacted. The Association Culmination's aim is to develop move, drinking water, environment, transportation, energy, between European Union and Mediterranean Region. European Union Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said that Association Culmination was turning point...
association culmination,
Europeam Union,
9 Temmuz 2008 Çarşamba
Usa Consulate/Istanbul was attacked...

Police booth, is in front of consulate general of Usa, was under attacked by terrorist in İstinye/İstanbul. 3 police died and 3 terrorist was died in attack. The other terrorist, is escape, is looked up. Syria passport broke out of the dead terrorist's pocket. 2 terroist is Turkish citizen. Muammer Güler, is Governor of İstanbul, said "Who are they? Why did they do this? The searching is going on..." Operation was made to kind of places of İstanbul. Two man was took into custody up until now. The attcak was made not only Usa consulate also for Turkey. We criticise badly to terrorists. We expression of sympathy to dead police's family. We don't want repeat the kind of action in our country...
5 Temmuz 2008 Cumartesi
Cumalıkızık Village of Bursa/Turkey
Holiday has started for people, especially for students in Turkey. Weather of Turkey is very good to travel. As you know, Turkey is holiday paradise. Lots of tourist come Turkey to want holiday. whatever you want, Turkey has Sea, sand, sun, jungle, historical places...I am in Bursa nowadays so I decided to visit today Cumalıkızık village ,is in Bursa. The village was installed 700 years ago. The village comes from Ottoman Empire so, lots of historical artifact is protected.If you wonder and see historical staff, the village includes 2 museum. The villager makes cheese flan , drink made of yogurt and water, bread which is burned in stock quarry, fresh fruit, kinds of jam are very delicious if you go there, surely I advise to eat the things...Cumalıkızık houses was made with debris stone, wood, adobe. The houses were painted with yellow, purple, blue and white. The village's streets are close fitting and with stones. citrus fruits, walnut and chestnut are growned. If one day you come to Bursa, Cumalıkızık village is spectacular place...
cumalıkızık village,
historical place,
2 Temmuz 2008 Çarşamba
"Akp Wanted Islamic Law"

Oral defence process about Akp(party in power of Turkey)'s ban case has started. Court of appeal chief prosecutor of the republic Abdurrahman Yalçınkaya made oral view in Constitutional Court. In Oral view Yalçınkaya said that Akp's wanting Islamic Law and it was big danger for Turkey. Also, he said that Constitutional Court's calling off about turban ban's abrogationing corresponding constitutional change made power to their allegations. In oral view, Yalçınkaya said Dengir Mir Mehmet Fırat's "Atatürk revolutions created trauma to Turkish community"sentence showed exemplary, but he didn't adduce evidence it. Akp is going to make their oral defence to Constitutional Court tomorrow. We eagerly anticipate Akp's oral defence. I wonder what and how they defence????Anyway, law must be found position and the Akp must be banned...
Abdurrahman Yalçınkaya,
Constitutional Court,
islamic law,
oral defence
1 Temmuz 2008 Salı
The Ergenekon Canvass In Turkey!

Ankara prevention of terrorism agency teams organized synchronous operation to 7 address because of Ergenekon canvass at morning edition today. 7 person was apprehended. Their names; retired full generals: Hurşit Tolon and Şener Eruygur, Ankara agent of Cumhuriyet newspaper Mustafa Balbay, general public manager of Tercüman newspaper Ufuk Büyükçelebi, Ankara chamber of commerce president Sinan Aygün, retired brigadier general Levent Ersöz and Turhan Çömez, is expeled by Akp. The 7 person's work places and abodes were looked up. Documents, computers, cds, informations which are evidentiary, were arrested. The operation not only happened in Ankara but also happened in Istanbul. Strategist and television programmer Erol Mütercimler was apprehended in Istanbul. 27 hand grenade was founded in slum house, is in Ümraniye Çakmak district/Istanbul so the Ergenekon canvass was started 12th, june, 2007. Indictment about Ergenekon canvass hasn't got across yet. The 7 person's being Atatürk lovers, is important point.The other importan point; Court of appeal chief prosecutor of the republic Abdurrahman Yalçınkaya's oral comment about Akp's ban being and Ergenekon canvass's being at the same day...
29 Haziran 2008 Pazar
Who Created Trauma?...

Dengir Mir Mehmet Fırat, is general president assistant of Akp(party in power of Turkey) gave reportage to New York Times. He said to reportage " Atatürk revolution caused trauma to Turk society." People, are kemalizm, say "the main trauma is created because of their politics by Akp. Dengir Mir Mehmet Fırat's comment caused to dichotomy in Akp. Vahit Erdem, is member of parliament of Kırklareli/Turkey, described "reactionary" of his sentence. Devlet Bahçeli, is president of Nationalist Movement Party/Tukey, said "The comment, about Akp's ban recently,is a kind of effort to ban of Akp". After people's sharp reaction, Fırat defence his own "new republic was established. Community's lots of culture and establishments were abrogated and it is revolution. Alphabet of Latin's acceptance, madrasah's closing are revolution. Each of revolution is social trauma. Because, writing was changed overnight. At that time, rate of literacy becamed zero." By the agency of Atatürk, people, are live in Turkey, get their freedom and we secured our independence. Consequently, Akp showed again their animus. People must be conscious. People, are live in Turkey and love Turkey, mustn't use vote member of Akp...
Dengir Mir Mehmet Fırat,
new york times,
24 Haziran 2008 Salı
Turkey Is In Semifinal...

Turkey won Croatia in 2008 Europe Cup four days ago.The score is 4-2.Turkey is going to play with Germany tomorrow in semifinal. The match is going to be in Bazel. All of the world spoke victory of Turkey. We feel proud of them. Sweden Press mentioned about victory of Turkey a lot but Sweden Press commented victory of Turkey was miracle.Independent wrote "national team, is known few, moved their team the other final as 2002 the world cup ". The Times wrote "none of team win the match,except Turkey, none of team is a team in the tournament, phenomenon and force of nature". Italian press La Gazzetta Dello Sport wrote "penalties are decadence of Croatia, and Turkey is seven live. "Also the other world press wrote success of Turkey; The Guardian, Daily Telegraph, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times...Some of people in Turkey celebrated the victory with gun so lots of people are badly injured. The celebrate mustn't be such as this. We criticise them badly. We don't want being happen such as event. We wish success to Turkey national team in "tomorrow match". We believe them we will win the match...
the europe cup 2008,
20 Haziran 2008 Cuma
Honour Killings In Turkey...

Report of prime minister's office shows us honour and consuetude killing is growing day by day in Turkey. Most frequency of crimes's cities are İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir. Killers are welcomed such as king and they don't regret. Honour and consuetude killing report was expounded by prime minister's office human rights of president Prof. Dr. Tahsin Fendoğlu in Swiss Otel/İstanbul yesterday. Cemil Çicek and Nibet Çubukçu, minister of states, joined the meeting. Report shows, 150 consuetude killing happened in 2002, in 2007, 220 consuetude killing happened. Woman, children and men are victim. 9 % of crimes are happened by children. Crimes's cause is "honour". Woman, is killed, 's number is 94 because of Ban relation, because of sexual harassment 71, because of aggression 17. The other cause of crimes are blood feud, problem in between family... Crimes are commited by east and southeast's people. Metropolit cities's being taking emigration cause to rise crimes. Finally, lack of education and economiy causes crimes...
18 Haziran 2008 Çarşamba
The Secret Leader Of Republican People's Party Of Turkey...

Önder Sav, is known secret leader of Republican People's Party of Turkey.He is fairly active on Republican People's Party delegates. He graduated law faculty of Ankara. He was president of bar between 1984-85 year. Önder Sav was member of parliament of Ankara 20. period. He became group executive vice president of Republican People's Party.He is general secretary of Republican People's Party now.However he is second man, he is the best powerful name of Republican People's Party. How we understand he is powerful name? Önder Sav takes his power from party machine. He depends on his party and he always says"I am not secretary of Deniz Baykal, I am general secretary of Republican People's Party. People, are member of Republican People's Party's estimation; Deniz Baykal is brain and vitrine of party; Önder Sav is heart of party. Allegation show us, Önder sav doesn't interested about party's politics, Deniz Baykal's expressions, election programs. Önder Sav's aim is the party's being powerful and survive in power...
deniz baykal,
Önder sav,
republican people's party
17 Haziran 2008 Salı
Köksal Toptan Wanted to Senate System...

Köksal Toptan, is president of the assembly of Turkey, wanted to senate system. Köksal Toptan did press conference, after turban's decree of annulment by Constitutional Court of Turkey. Köksal Toptan said that Constitutional Court of Turkey had overrided commission and this was a kind of issue for democracy. Köksal Toptan denoted separation of powers in Turkey. Köksal Toptan said that authorities mustn't have blended sphere of duties each other. What is the mean of senate system? Senate system did duty bit of legislative branch. Senatorial is a kind of high-level committee, Senate system is in with two chamber countries. Senate of the republic was installed with 1961 constitutional in Turkey and did duty 19 year. What was senate circumstances? Senate of the republic was formed of high on 40 age. 150 member was chosened by community. 15 member was assigned by president of a republic. Senator and senator nominated by the president of the republic 's term was 6 year.
13 Haziran 2008 Cuma
Turban's Ban by European Court Of Human Rights ...

The two woman in Turkey's reference which is about able to come into with turban to schools was denied by European Court of Human Rights days ago. The two women, in vocational religious high school, defended be incongrous to human rights without turban come into school. Plaintiffs sued general and pecuniary damages. Turban point is a big issue for Turkey. Unfortunately, lots of woman somehow, want to able to come into in public sphere. Religious symbol without limits everwhere causes to dominate the other students, are the other ethnic group. Turban is banned in public sphere the other countries. For example; France, Switzerland, England, Holland, Germany, Belgium. The women, want to turban in public sphere create religion society. Court of queen's bench in Turkey gived opinion able to come into university does not compatible with frame of reference of Turkish Republic. In conclusion, Constitutional Court of Turkey denied decision about able to come into with turban in university.
5 Haziran 2008 Perşembe
Divorce Rate Of Turkey...

In Turkey, divorce rate is too much recently. Why married people want to divorce? Statistic shows us, divorce rate is 80.7%. Causes of divorce are irreconcilable differences, adultery, attempt against life, bad treatment... Divorce rate is much bigger of employed women according to men. External appearance is attached importance during married decision by people. Divorce causes trauma to people who have good socia-economic status. private individuals are alone because of tvs, computers... People don't need to talk, share anything with everybody nowadays. People are captive of technology. I don't want to be misunderstood, I don't against technology. People don't know how to use technology. people want everything from marriage for example; success, career, money, faithful companion, well groomed... Divorce cause to damage children. Children's mental health are upset. Children are not happy everything. Doubles are not confidence with eachother. The main problems are money and confidence. Before marriage, doubles must think once more to counteract others problems for themselves and children...
4 Haziran 2008 Çarşamba
Kurdish publish...

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who is prime minister of Turkey said that TRT which is the formal cahannel in Turkey will publish with Kurdish language in Diyarbakır/Turkey. Devlet Bahçeli who is president of Mhp party criticised Mr.Erdoğan by negatively. Devlet Bahçeli said that it was a kind of gesture to PKK's mount permanent staffs. The concession will not stop and they will speak bilingual and they want separate government. TBMM which is parliament of Turkey must have taken serious decision, parliamentary study commission must have been develop Devlet Bahçeli said. The ministers's decision is dangerous for Turkey. This subject starts to seperate Turkey as they want. Our language is Turkish. Turkish publishes must be everytime. We must be be aware of playing to Turkey.
3 Haziran 2008 Salı
Deal or No Deal ?

Deal or No Deal is a kind of competition which you can earn a lot of money. The competition is published Show Tv Channel in Turkey. The concept isn't special to Turkey. The competition created interest for people. Adults, children, old people like and watch with pleasure. The competition doesn't look your data level. Only chance wins you. In Deal or No Deal, competitor is faced with 20 box with 20 number. The competitor has One of them. The competitor doesn't know anything about in boxes. The competitor's aim is to anticipate his own box and by haggle with the bank to his prize maximum. And the last, the competitior takes the bank's offer or takes his own box and leaves the competition. The concept is very successful with Acun Ilıcalı's giving presentation. people who watch behind screen or follower in studio fell happy or sad as though they win or lose out. It is a kind of psychology. I realise that, people don't like quiz shows. They only want have a good time by watching tv. Quiz shows must be grow in Tvs. Tvs only mustn't be amusing appliance...
Acun ılıcalı,
Deal or o deal,
show tv,
2 Haziran 2008 Pazartesi
The Main Problem is Economy...

Turkey and the world are living economic crisis. Markets, the sellers who sell vegetables, fruits have stagnancy in Turkey. So, Fruits, vegetables are expensive. The customers have complain about it. As you know, level of income is not highist in Turkey. The hipermarkets are opened everywhere in Turkey. The hypermarkets have include cafes, clothing stores, fast food places... So lots of people perfer to go there. This situation causes to close small grocer. People shop only bread and newspaper in small grocer. Many of people are out of work so this. When stage of development is fall of, system of education is fall over, burglaries are grow. In society, become disquiet... In The world, petrol costs expensive. Why petrol cots are so expensive? Being demand to petrol and USA Dollar's being losing in value cause to high of petrol's cost. USA Dollar's being losing in value , OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting)'s revenues's buying power is fall over and some consumers who are not use dollar causes their buying power's being grow. The natural resources are fall over day by day. People are using the resources with unconscious. Small resources cause to being war all over the world. Government of Turkey doesn't do anything about economy. The government persuade people by showing fake statistic about economy. The government must have grow forward economic politican to Turkey. If it isn't, stagnation of trade will still going on...
28 Mayıs 2008 Çarşamba
61.Cannes Film Festival

Prizes of 61. Cannes film festival had been come out. Turkey joined this year. Nuri Bilge Ceylan was choosed the best of film director by "Üç Maymun" film. This is the third prize of him.In 2003, he won jury big prize by "Uzak" film. In 2006, he won FIBRESCI prize which is given by writer of cinema, by "iklimler"film. When Nuri Bilge Ceylan took his prize, he said that thanks and he dedicated his prize to Turkey where he loved with ambition this country. The Gold Palm prize was given to French film director Laurent Cantet by "Entre les murs" film. The second big prize was given to Italian film director Matteo Garrone by "Gomorrah" film. Jean Pierre and Luc Dardenne brothers were choosed The best of script by "Le Silence de Lorna" film. Benicito del Toro was choosed the best of man actor by "Che " film. Sandra Corbeloni was choosed the best women actress by "Linha de Passe" film. We congratulate Nuri Bilge Ceylan and we want to going success Turkey...
61.Channes Film Festival,
Film Director,
Nuri Bilge Ceylan,
Üç Maymun
27 Mayıs 2008 Salı
Terrorism In Turkey
Terrorism is a kind of disaster and refuse to democratic system of country. Terrorism is main problem for Turkey. Turkey has fighted the terrorism since 1984. Nearly 40.000 Turkish people died in terrorism since then. PKK is separatist terrorist organization. Their aim is to separate Turkey so this, they had killed blameless babies, soldiers, children, women so far...Lots of children are used for terrosim by separatist organizations. The children firstly are learned how to use weapon, bomb, kalashnikov...They aren't gone to school, only they are educated in terrorism camps. It is a shame for humanity.War is not finished unfortunately around the world. Children are growing by watching war news, death people of war, blood, gun... When will we say stop the bad picture. How many people are still going to kill because of war???The terrorism of Turkey has affected negatively to social, economic, commercial life in Turkey. Lots of youth soldiers had lost their futures. We criticise people and countries who give support to terrorism. Turkey is still going to fight terrorism nowadays in Turkey's borders. We don't want to continue to terrorism movements in Turkey...
25 Mayıs 2008 Pazar
Blog Writers' s Meeting In Bursa...

Blog writers' s meeting organized yesterday in Kültürpark/Bursa. In meeting, conference which is about Blog and Blog's growing, was made by Levent Ozen who is the professional Blog writer.His address is: Participants shared their ideas, visions with each other. In this way, they had chance to meet each other face to face. The organization of Bursa was wonderful and the atmosphere was cordial. Participants pleased about it. It is the first meeting in Bursa. The other cities; Ankara, İstanbul, İzmir had organized the meeting before.Blog has grown by rapidly in Turkey. Blog meeting organizes by professionaly around the world.The meetings are important to grow for blog world. We want to the meeting again...
22 Mayıs 2008 Perşembe
Global Climate Disaster

Global warning is dangerous around the world. The biggest issue in future for people. How much do we have information global warning? Do we have information enough about the dangerous? I think, most of people are'nt aware of global warning. They are going on killing environment without conscious. How do we become successful to destroy environment.We build apartment block in fertile lands so, we cut planets,trees...Atmosphere comes to harm because of cars'exhaust smoke, factories, deodorans, air conditioners... The changing of world's natural arrangement, gives rise to glacier's dissolve.İn Turkey, some of people aware of the dangerous and they have types of projects about global warning. For example; The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion,for Reforstation and the Protection of Natural Habitats have good project in Turkey. If you want to get information about this foundation, the address is summer will be dry for Turkey. Statistics show us, İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Bursa's bans'occupancy rate is 17.9%. We must use water by carefully.Scientists have grown 6 project to protect the world. This projects'names are synthetic trees, sulfide blankets, cloud shield, mirror of space, see of jungles, pomps of ocean.And the last one; we must have duty to protect our environments, jungles, national parks and animals for coming generations...
İllness of Epoch is "Obezity"

Obezity is not a main problem in Turkey but also in all over the world. Why do people become obezity? How do we get rid of this illness? Obezity has grown recently because of tecnology. People work on table with computer all day and people's having full stress of life. Also they eat their meals be quikly. People eat unhealty by eating fastfood. They are not walking,doing exercise... They got used to comfartable life with cars.Obezity causes types of illness. For example; diabetes, heart disease, cancer, cholesterol, sleeplessness problems and psychological problems. Statistics show us 41.5% women and 21.2% men are obezity in Turkey. Doctors say us breast milk is important for babies. Breast milk protects our body from obezity. We can protect our body from obezity by not using elevator, escalator and our cars... We should eat vegetables,fruits and organic foods. We should be far far away from three white: "sugar,salt,flour." Walking one hour or doing exercise, drinking water, being careful about our eating make us happy and have healthy body...
21 Mayıs 2008 Çarşamba
Eurovision 2008...

Eurovision 2008, organizes in Belgrade where is the capital of Serbia. 43 countries are going to contest in 53. Eurovision. 2 half-final system which is the first time, will be organized. Turkey, which is third sequence, contests in second final on 22th May. First final was organized yesterday. Final is going to be on 24th May. Eurovision starts at 22.00 in Turkey on 24th May. This contest will be published by TRT channel in Turkey. Countiries which is qualified to contest in Final from first final, appeared yesterday. This countiries are"Greece, Rumania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Finland, Russia, Israel, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Poland, Norway." 25 countries are going to contest in Final. Mor ve Otesi represents of Turkey by "Deli"song in Eurovision. The song's music video became first in Internet. Eurovision started in 1956. Eurovision song contest is important for countiries so lots of countries have lucky to show their cultures, musics and also they have chance to meet each other... We wonder results of Eurovision 2008. We wish success to Mor ve Otesi in Eurovision...
Eurovision 2008,
20 Mayıs 2008 Salı
The Smoking Ban...
Turkey started to smoking ban in close places. Prof.Dr.Recep Akdag who is Minister of health says that their aim is to protect all communities's life from tobacco products. The ban started yesterday. Smoking will be banned in enclosed public spaces, buildings, shopping centers, hospital's gardens, buses, public transports, schools... As long as people smoke in close places, they will be punished by paying money.
World press have written about Turkey's smoking ban. BBC, The Guardian... The English Guardian newspaper made comment interestingly about the ban. The Guardian newspaper's heading was"Reluctant Turks prepare for smoking ban."
Website has prepared about the ban. The address isİf you want to get information about the ban, you can use this address. Lots of Turkish artists, singers, fashion designers, politicians, directors supported this ban.
Around 25 million of Turkey smoke, including 60% of adult and 11.7% of children.The statistic is too bad .My advice is if you want die earlier,you go on smoking...
World press have written about Turkey's smoking ban. BBC, The Guardian... The English Guardian newspaper made comment interestingly about the ban. The Guardian newspaper's heading was"Reluctant Turks prepare for smoking ban."
Website has prepared about the ban. The address isİf you want to get information about the ban, you can use this address. Lots of Turkish artists, singers, fashion designers, politicians, directors supported this ban.
Around 25 million of Turkey smoke, including 60% of adult and 11.7% of children.The statistic is too bad .My advice is if you want die earlier,you go on smoking...
close places,
communities's life,
The smoking ban
19 Mayıs 2008 Pazartesi
19th May 1919...
19th May 1919, this date is important date for Turkey. This time many years ago Ataturk, who is the leader of Turkey, started national combat in Samsun/Turkey. Lots of Turkish people fighted in Turkish war of Independence without technology in difficult situations. Lots of Turkish soldiers died in this war. At the end of this war we won secure and economic independence. After this war, Turkey Republic was made and secularizm was established.
Ataturk dedicated May 19, to the country's youth and since then, it has been celebrated as "Youth and Sports Day". Ataturk called young people"The student, at whatever age, should be looked at from the point of view of the adults of the future and they should be treated as such."
We have lots of responsibilities for Turkey's future. Young people have to claim to be owner of Turkey's culture and values.
Ataturk dedicated May 19, to the country's youth and since then, it has been celebrated as "Youth and Sports Day". Ataturk called young people"The student, at whatever age, should be looked at from the point of view of the adults of the future and they should be treated as such."
We have lots of responsibilities for Turkey's future. Young people have to claim to be owner of Turkey's culture and values.
19th May 1919,
Turkish war of Independence,
Yout and Sports day
18 Mayıs 2008 Pazar
Who am I?
Dear readers, this is the first writing in my blog. Firstly, I want to get introduce something about me. Who am I? and How I decided to write blog? I was born in Mersin of Turkey. I am 19 years old. Now I live in Bursa/Turkey because of university. I am freshman in Uludağ University. My department is international relation. I want to say thanks to my friend Okan Yüksel who is my firend at the same department with me at Uludag University and he is also successful blog writer. He provided me to write blog.
I could have written my blog in Turkish but I choosed to write in English because, my aim is to find a lot of people. I will mention about Turkiye's social issues,process development and culture in this blog and to meet this subjects to outside of Turkey. I will be waiting your comments about my writing...
I could have written my blog in Turkish but I choosed to write in English because, my aim is to find a lot of people. I will mention about Turkiye's social issues,process development and culture in this blog and to meet this subjects to outside of Turkey. I will be waiting your comments about my writing...
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