Global warning is dangerous around the world. The biggest issue in future for people. How much do we have information global warning? Do we have information enough about the dangerous? I think, most of people are'nt aware of global warning. They are going on killing environment without conscious. How do we become successful to destroy environment.We build apartment block in fertile lands so, we cut planets,trees...Atmosphere comes to harm because of cars'exhaust smoke, factories, deodorans, air conditioners... The changing of world's natural arrangement, gives rise to glacier's dissolve.İn Turkey, some of people aware of the dangerous and they have types of projects about global warning. For example; The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion,for Reforstation and the Protection of Natural Habitats have good project in Turkey. If you want to get information about this foundation, the address is http://english.tema.org.tr/This summer will be dry for Turkey. Statistics show us, İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Bursa's bans'occupancy rate is 17.9%. We must use water by carefully.Scientists have grown 6 project to protect the world. This projects'names are synthetic trees, sulfide blankets, cloud shield, mirror of space, see of jungles, pomps of ocean.And the last one; we must have duty to protect our environments, jungles, national parks and animals for coming generations...
1 yorum:
Personally, i care so much about Global Warming. I used to care before it got "that popular". Every sane person is (or should be) aware of our sources' shortage.
People are getting aware nowadays; but governments aren't giving much of a care about it.. If this keeps on going like that for 20 years, we'll perish in a painful way!
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