Onur Öğmen, general vice president of People's Republican Party, organized press conference in Bursa/Turkey. In meeting he said that Turkey had lived crucial period nowadays, because of Ergenekon ascertainment and sue about Akp's ban... He talked something about akp's ban sue. He said "in parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europoe;If the court deision akp's ban, Turkey observed again by European Council. Onur Öğmen said the other important point in akp's defending about ban decision they said "Parties aren't secular" But Onur Öğmen says secular enclose all over parties in Turkey.They want bring pressure to bear on Constitutional Court in akp's defending about ban. Onur Öğmen lays emphasis on in Ergenekon sue are wanted put pressure by inside and outside Turkey. Onur Öğmen said "Somedy says there are some problems with commandants in Turkish Armed Forces, but it is integrity's protect not only soldier's duty also everybody's duty. Somedy's false comment about Turkish Armed Forces can be damage Turkey government we think. If it was commited an offence in Turkish Armed Forces,The guilt must be attested by courts..."
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