Report of prime minister's office shows us honour and consuetude killing is growing day by day in Turkey. Most frequency of crimes's cities are İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir. Killers are welcomed such as king and they don't regret. Honour and consuetude killing report was expounded by prime minister's office human rights of president Prof. Dr. Tahsin Fendoğlu in Swiss Otel/İstanbul yesterday. Cemil Çicek and Nibet Çubukçu, minister of states, joined the meeting. Report shows, 150 consuetude killing happened in 2002, in 2007, 220 consuetude killing happened. Woman, children and men are victim. 9 % of crimes are happened by children. Crimes's cause is "honour". Woman, is killed, 's number is 94 because of Ban relation, because of sexual harassment 71, because of aggression 17. The other cause of crimes are blood feud, problem in between family... Crimes are commited by east and southeast's people. Metropolit cities's being taking emigration cause to rise crimes. Finally, lack of education and economiy causes crimes...
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