We are in September mounth. Summer finished, I didn't understand how time finished quickly. Schools open, everybody come back their holiday. New plans, new working term... Last night I was watching tv, I make point of tv serial in Turkish channel. Every channel started new tv serials. I couldn't reckon how many are tv serials? Tv producers overstate I think. Audiences want and watch. But I don't understand audiences'choices... Actually, we mustn't accuse audiences. If ever tv producers don't create lots of tv serials, audiences won't watch. Many tv serials' being cause lowing quality.I think, it is not necessary their being. Anyway, it is sickly! Documentary films, policy lines, educational programs are less in Turkish channel. So this if I want to watch tv, expressly I choose. People must be selective. Through tv serial, many actor, actress able to coin money it is good. But it must not be too. When something is done, first of all money must not be thougt. Pollution is created on tvs. Wheras tv producer make this and only think rating, audience must do protest and not watch. Anyway, tv serials give "squash taste"...
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