I was economic lesson two days ago. In the lesson, our economic teacher talked about "Raiffeisen bank and Schulze-Delitzsch bank which are Germany. "He talked about the bank's making, giving credit their villager and Germany's villages' having everything and being luxury, people's not needing to movie cities. So I wonder and I decided to investigate them. I found interesting information. German credit unions were organized by Herman Schulze-Delitzsch and Friedrich Raiffeisen. The crop failure and famine of 1846 caused Schulze-Delitzsch to organize a cooperatively-owned mill and bakery which sold bread to its members at substantial savings. Schulze-Delitzsch took this cooperative notion to address the needs of credit. In 1850, he organized the first cooperative credit society, known as the “people’s bank.” Raiffeisen goal was to provide credit to farmers. In 1864, he formed the Heddesorf Credit Union to help German farmers purchase livestock, equipment, seeds, and other farming needs. As you see, they know how to behave their people and they value their villager, overrate product growth, but now Turkey? In the past Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, is the leader of Turkey republic, overrated villager, he provided to help the villager. But nowadys, you know turkey's villagers' situation. Products were stopped, schools are not opened, underwork, water issues, village is emptied, lots of villager move cities. In village, there is not development so in cities, awry urbanization comes into being. Because of villagers'not producing product, we have to import vegetables, fruit. Turkey's lands are productive, we don't know our lands's and villagers' value...
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