I make a point of big firm's advertisements on tv.The best famuous showmans, singers are used for the advertisement. When you switch on television, you can see easily their advertisement in every chanell. The big firms started to organize festivals, concers with famuos singers and showmans. Exemplary; Fanta, is one of big drink firm, used Beyazıt Öztürk, is famous showman, Sertab Erener, is famous singer... These festival organizes in almost every city of Turkey. Also, spot films are shooted on tv. Turkcell, is as you know one of big GSM firm/Turkey, shooted spot film, is name "Recep's Chicken" with Şahan Gökbakar, is one of famous showman. Also Turk Telekom, shooted spot film form of caricature with Cem Yılmaz, is one of famous showman... Thereby, audience become merry when they watch. Firms can be earn lots of money from these advertisement. Singers, famous person were used before, In recent years, these advertisement grew day by day. We pleased of these advertisement, we don't get bored when watching advertisements. So, we want to be continue these advirtesements...
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