Deniz Feneri Association sue has started in Germany. Deniz Feneri Association picked up 40 million Euro from Turkish people, live in Germany, by promise of help. The help was not used for poor people. The help money was transfered to Turkey. The money was used for different aims and self-interests. The sue, is continuing in Germany, is bringing about chaos in Turkey. I couldn't stand about chaos I decided to write to my blog today. The sue causes battle of words between Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is president of Turkey, and Dogan Media Group. The help money's giving to Recep Tayyip Erdogan is contended that. Erdogan said that Dogan Media Group's calumnying to him and his party. Every day, we come across Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ugly indignities. Unfortunately, our president isn't open to criticism. whereby him, nobody can make a criticism. Turkey's president must not be such as this. In this way, we see the president's aims, evil minded. Instead of the president be interested of Turkey's issues, he only interest needless jobs... Now, I am speaking to Turkish people, wake up and notice who is administrating to Turkey...!
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