2008 olympic games are going to become between 8-24 August in Beijing/China. The olympic games are kind of sport organization which is made quadrennial. In 2004, olympic games were made in Greece. 302 contest being organized and total on duties and sport number is 16 thousand in 2008 Beijing olympic games. Turkey's sportmans are going to join the olympic games. Murat Başeskioglu, is sport minister of state/Turkey, said "our sportmans had prepared better. In 2004 Turkey had won 10 medal. Our aim was to grow this number in 2008 Beijing olympic games." Turkey is going to join in 12 branch. Turkey is going to join first time in ping pong and bicycle branch. Lots of people, all over the world watch and join the olympic games. So it is big organization. The country, is being made olympic games, prepare years ago for olympic games. So this lots of money are spent. The olympic games make a contribution to the country economic, social aspect. We trust Turkey's sportmans. We wish success to our sportmans in 2008 Beijing olympic games...
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