I talked about Akp(party in power/Turkey)'s ban case. The case was finished. The decision is not to ban. 6 person of member of Constitutional Court voted against Akp, 4 person wanted to Akp's not taking to treasury help.1 person wanted to refuse the case. So Akp will not take 1/2 rate tresury help.The party closure requires at least seven votes in favor. After the case, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is president of Turkey, spoke. He gave 3 important message; 1-)"Akp did not against secularism, and after that we continue to protect basic republic of Turkey. 2-) "When Constitutional Court's well-reasoned decision come, our association will assess." 3-)"Turkey's way is appear. The way is contemporaneous civilization. Nobody veer from European Union." He said these. But, his speaking and his making does not hang together ı think. I wanted to Akp's ban but it didn't. I wonder after this what will happen??
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