Human has fighted with nature and people from when human was born... Human's effort govern to nature causes wars, dead people, nature destroys. At the present time, war is not stopped, when people wait to finish war and want to come "world peace" instead of war, human,who is responsible everything and the main actor, continue to fight nature and people... In Georgia,is neighbour frontier to Turkey, has started war,lots of people died in war. The situation is shame for mankind. Big countries' long period plans, effort govern, isn't seem as absent, behind the mirror, everything is seem. the war's impression in our neighbour frontier Georgia, not only effect the country. Turkey is effecting and will be contuniue effect the following days. Turkey must be thinking own strategical location, and economic and must do long plans and apply politic. Between Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan, Baku-Tiflis-Kars line, Batum-Sarp-Hopa line and between Poti- Samsun ship and railway project can be damage because of war. This is emergancy for Turkey. We must do something for our future...