After too long break, I am with you by my articles. Hello to everybody. Today, I talk about "LEAN PRODUCTION". I am doing internship in a textile business firm at Bursa location of industry. In the firm, lean production is executed. Firstly, let's talk about lean productions' meaning. Lean Production, is approach, to rid of from production's wests. Lean production's strategic targets are to supply quality, do in a short time term for delivery by speeding up. The process contributes national economy.Now, lots of firm, factories understand that its benefits and started to receive training lean production in Turkey. Firms educate their workers. But I saw some of lean production's defections in the textile business firm where I am doind internship. The reason that workers' not being able to get rid of their old habits and the other reason not being close supervision in Turkey. I think that our firms should be properly understand leand production after that should be execute.
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